Gideon was profiled by the Observer here.
Gideon Lewis-Kraus, a staff writer at The New Yorker, grew up in New Jersey and graduated from Stanford. He writes reportage and criticism and is the author of the digressive travel memoir A Sense of Direction as well as the Kindle Single No Exit. Previously, he was a writer-at-large at the New York Times Magazine, a contributing editor at Harper's magazine, and a contributing writer at WIRED magazine. Gideon co-edited, with Arnie Eisen, Philip Rieff's Sacred Order/Social Order III, and edited Richard Rorty's Philosophy as Cultural Politics. He teaches a reporting seminar in the Graduate Writing Program at Columbia. He has lived in San Francisco, Berlin (where he was a 2007–8 Fulbright Fellow), and Shanghai, and now lives in Brooklyn with his wife and two small children.
Radio/podcast interviews
the press box
Chris hayes
brian lehrer
the dave chang show
NPR's Weekend Edition
Dinner Party Download
Longform podcast
Brooklyn Inst. for Social Research podcast
Life Stories podcast
Read Me Something You Love podcast
LRB podcast w/ Sheila Heti & Christian Lorentzen
Television/conference appearances
On No Exit
Felix Salmon
The New Yorker
The Mercury News
Interview with Valleywag
Interview with Capital New York
Named to best-of-2o14 lists by both Longreads and Longform, and to Bloomberg BusinessWeek's 2014 Jealousy List.